Tuesday 19 June 2018

adderall and cannabis use

Until recently, most studies on weed and ADHD were about “cannabis use disorder,” the official term for marijuana addiction. A 2013 study found 35 percent of adolescents with ADHD had used substances, mainly alcohol and cannabis, compared to 20 percent of teens without the disorder. But the relationship between ADHD, Adderall and weed is more complex.
For many people with ADD/ADHD, the first course of action is a prescription for an amphetamine (Adderall) or a methylphenidate (Ritalin). Many are diagnosed as kids and put on these strong drugs when they are as young as five years old. In fact, according to the CDC, 10.4% of American children ages five to 17 had an ADHD diagnosis between 2013 and 2015.
For kids who struggle to pay attention, Adderall and other stimulants help them focus and complete tasks, but they also include a host of unpleasant side effects such as anxiety, headaches, nausea, and delayed growth. For students and adults, Adderall is a common way to stay up late and get ahead either at work or school. Prescriptions aren’t very hard to get and the same is true for black market pills. However, apart from side effects, addiction and dependence are also risks.How Long Does Adderall Stay in Your System

While weed might not help everyone concentrate, there’s enough anecdotal evidence to suggest that it’s worth trying, especially for people who get ill or don’t feel like themselves on Adderall. Here’s our complete guide.

Is it safe to mix weed and Adderall?

It’s probably not great for your heart to smoke weed as soon as the Adderall kicks in, but unless you have a heart condition, it shouldn’t be a problem. Paranoia can increase, but many on ADHD meds smoke weed to help with the side effects of the medication. This includes loss of appetite, nausea, trouble sleeping, anxiety, and stomachaches.
Many also use weed after a long day or night on Adderall to help with the comedown and for sleep. The truth is, weed and Adderall is certainly at least as safe as mixing Adderall with prescription drugs used to relax or sleep, like Klonopin, Xanax, or Ambien. Weed is also safer than alcohol, which many use to unwind and fall asleep after Adderall.How Long Does a Weed High Last?

Weed and Adderall: Can One Replace The Other?

In the past few years, there’s been more anecdotal evidence as well as survey data and a few research studies to support the claim that weed can directly help with ADHD symptoms—not just the side effects of Adderall.Oxycodone vs Hydrocodone

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Dbx 13 Scam

A recipient of the HSI NEWS LETTER  letter wroe In January 2013 - I recently purchased a subscription to the Health Sciences Institute (HSI) newsletter and got the book "Miracles from the Vault." I scoured the pages to find DBX-13 which they advertised as the diabetes miracle cure, and couldn't find it anywhere. I called HSI, and after three attempts and by threatening to take them to court for false advertising, a response finally came by email. DBX-13 is called X-Cravings. But get this... it is no longer being manufactured. X-Cravings appears to be a formula to help you stop craving food... a diet product... and I guess they apparently felt this would help you lose weight which would help your diabetes. I placed a call to the manufacturer of X-Cravings, Nutricology. Tel: (800)545-9960 who claims they don't know that X-Cravings was called DBX-13 by HSI, and they said they discontinued X-Cravings last year (2013). They also don't have a replacement product for it either. I hate when companies like HSI scam you by offering you hope that doesn't exist, which is why I am posting this information.

dbx 13 price 

dbx 13 review

 dbx13 diabetes cure 

dbx 13 scam 

“You’ll want to include more carbs like bread to reduce the binging,” Trina said as she pointed out the different portion sizes on the handout.
I had finally gone for help. After seven months of returning back to cooked food after being on a raw-food diet, I felt lost. How did I know when to be done with a meal? After the massive crates of fruit, after eating and eating and eating, how did I know when to stop anymore? Was I an endless pit, had I fallen far and beyond ever being able to eat normally again? Was my body broken? Health Benefits of Tiger Nut & Tiger Nuts Milk

Is bread the answer?

My dietician encouraged me to eat bread again. I felt like after everything I had researched, after everything I had gone through, I had to at least take out two whole food groups and follow the paleo diet. Tiger Nuts MilkI couldn’t let all of this time, effort, discipline–of everything–come and go for nothing. It wouldn’t be fair.
“I don’t know if I can eat bread,” I said tentatively. I looked down at the meal plan she had given me with a distant longing. Was it a longing for ignorance, for me to erase everything I had learned about food? I wanted to eat simply again, to not think about anything.Health Benefits of Tiger Nut
Despite the internal voice that told me I would mess up everything, I decided to include bread in my new meal plan. Even if wheat products weren’t meant to be digested by humans, even if they really were bad for our bodies, maybe they would at least be good for the mind—my mental health.Benefits of Tiger Nut

I can do anything

I thought I could do anything. I thought I could be disciplined with food, thought I could be stronger than anyone else. After all, hadn’t I been the one to drop twenty pounds in a matter of months from my already light frame? I could restrict because I had power and control.
I could take on the raw food diet.
Flash-forward two months after starting the diet; I found myself secretly scraping away at a cake, desperate for any bite of sugar, for any source of calories. I tried so hard to cut back, to stick to all raw food.
That’s when I realized that maybe discipline could run out, that maybe the body would find a way to rebel back, to take back the control after I had suppressed every desire, every scream of longing for any “forbidden” food; food as simple as an apple to end the day or the smallest bite of cheese   . Gentleman rapist I learned to shut out my body’s cries and it eventually learned to speak up for itself. I gained back the twenty pounds, plus some—a fear, a nightmare turned reality.
Carrying my eating disorder with me like a precious child, I searched for the Holy Grail, the answer as to how to “fix” my body. I wanted to lose weight again, but this time without having to suffer the hunger pains. I wanted to get my body to do what I wanted it to do; I wanted to fix everything. I would take back the control. I would show my body who was boss.
After many trials I thought I found it at last—the Paleo diet. But sometimes eating goes deeper than simply following a diet. The binging continued and my depression, my spiral into my eating-disordered world kept me trapped.
I had yet to fix my mind.

Sandwich for the win

I wanted a sandwich. I felt hungry and didn’t have any food with me, but the café at my college was open. Walking into the cafe I scanned the refrigerator. My eyes caught the yogurt and granola, one of many food choices I fell into during my binges, when I couldn’t feel satisfied off of just fruit and salads. Looking lower, I found the sandwiches. I stood there, observing each one, turning each package over in my hands, deciding, thinking, and counting the calories in my head. Luckily the café was fairly empty so I could be alone to my thoughts, to make the best decision for my body.
I decided to buy it—the whole-wheat sandwich with what I used to see was holding animal flesh (turkey), cow pus (cheese), death (mayo) and a sliver of vibrant raw-food life (lettuce and tomato).
And yes, there was the bread to hold it all together. It hugged the food in place. It was my final danger, now turned into food again. The warning light dimmed in my mind. This is food.
I was aware of how loud the wrapping was around this sandwich as I pulled it out of the clear plastic. It made me feel self-conscious as the wrapping crinkled. I did not want eyes on me as I ate. I felt embarrassed of everything I had done, and what I was about to do now. But there was also a sense of normalcy. I was eating a normal sandwich, like a normal college student getting lunch. A normal lunch.
I stared at the sandwich. I found a small table off to the side to sit and concentrate, to understand my body and what it was about to behold in my mouth, what it would do to my taste buds. Would it be as stimulating as the health advocates had warned me? Would it make me lose control?
It smelled delicious. As I moved it toward my mouth I inhaled the aroma of fresh bread and deli meat. It reminded me of my childhood when I ate a simple meal for lunch.   Now it felt like I was back to square one—eating a sandwich.
I nibbled into my first bite. The combination of the bread, thin slice of deli meat, the acidic tomato, and smooth, creamy fat of the mayo sent my taste buds into a frenzy. It was the best thing I had eaten in a long time, and I did not feel disturbed by my excitement over this Ig 283 combination of all of the food groups stacked together into one meal. It made me happy.
Months later, I am still counting calories as I eat bread, still feeling that uneasiness of the “forbidden.”
“You don’t trust your body, do you?” my dietician asked recently. I stared at her. She was right; I wouldn’t be able to stop counting calories, to release that measure of control until I could allow my mind to let my body do what it needed to do to get sufficient nutrients. I couldn’t relinquish the control my mind wanted to have over a body that knew what was best for itself.
Trust your bodies signals
I think we all want our own means of control. I think we all want to help ourselves, to do what is best for our bodies—so much so that it is difficult to stay in tune to exactly what our bodies want. It’s not about letting your cravings go wild and eating twinkies just because you “crave” them of course, but to allow yourself that bite of bread, that occasional touch of peanut butter even if you are “paleo.” effect of bitter leaf on the liver I had to go back to square one to understand this concept.
I still eat bread on occasion but I am taking the transition to paleo much slower. I am trying to eat potatoes and other vegetable starches in place of bread and oatmeal more often than not. But when I find myself desperate bitter leaf  tea for food—especially carbs–and only have bread in my backpack, I allow myself to eat it without much guilt. Like my dietician suggested, getting effect of drinking bitter leaf juice enough carbs does help me to avoid binging, and bread can aid me in that process when I don’t have potatoes or other starchy vegetables at the ready. It sure is better than attacking a cake!
I realize I have discipline, but I have a body, too—a body that will not be forced one way or the other so dramatically; because in the end, the body does know best.
I just have to learn to trust it.

Friday 13 October 2017

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Whether you’re looking to become a physician, find a clinical fellowship or residency program, hoping to pursue a life of basic science research or aspiring to join one of the best medical art programs in the world, Johns Hopkins has what you are looking for. Our medical and graduate programs are ranked among the top in the nation and our teachers, scientists, and physicians are some of the world’s foremost experts in their fields. That's what gets people interested in coming to Johns Hopkins... but it's the culture here that gets people to stay. It's a culture of excellence and an aspiration to be the best in the world at what you do, mixed with friendliness, and a spirit of collaboration that make it all possible... and wonderful to be part of.Top 15 Online University in Nigeria
JohnsHopkins School of Public Health    While we are steeped in history, having been the first institution of its kind to bring together patient care,
JohnsHopkins School of Public Health Acceptance Rate research and education, you’ll find that we also have some of the most cutting-edge research happening here. We have biomedical engineers working side-by-side with surgeons developing mind-controlled prosthetic limbs; we have geneticists working with oncologists decoding cancer genomes and looking for drug targets; and we have students designing synthetic genomes to better understand the fundamentals of life. And you can be a part of this.